Sunday, November 10, 2013

Mill Creek

Dear FamLee,

This summer a few of us had the chance to go to our old stompin grounds... hike and camp in the vicinity.  I snapped a few pictures.  It brought so many great memories and feelings of happiness.  Thought I would share.--- Love Sylinda

Welcome Home!  Notice the paper plate that says Lee?  priceless..

I can almost see a blue and white suburban with a rusty red trailer
packed full of garbage bags of clothes and children spilling out...

Our favorite spot...  it was always a relief when it was vacant, and even better if we had the whole campground to ourselves...

The creek at MillCreek

The hill across the way from the campground.

Dragon Head... Almost there! This was a welcome landmark that our beloved campground was getting pretty close (this thing has evolved over the years).

The trailhead to our beautiful lake.  Does anyone have any pics of the lake?  I wasn't able to make the hike this year.  feel free to add...

Love you all.  Feel free to add any favorite memories to this post.

Thursday, October 24, 2013


So excited to have this blog up and going finally! I thought I would start us off with some pictures from the family reunion! I would have to say the Odds were Ever in our Favor :) Thank you all for joining in on our Hunger Games!

We started off with team cheers... and maybe a little trash talk ;)
 Jake, Wyatt, Jackson, and Lauryn faced off in the cup race
 Russ and Tyson in the tricky dice balancing
 Jeff and Phylicia playing the elephant game
Amber and Syl stacked ding dongs on their forehead, and then showed their sisterly love by feeding eachother!
 And lastly we all joined in on the fun and got to throw cheetos on Grandma and Grandad's heads covered in shaving cream!
 All in all it was an awesome week with our favorite people! We are counting down the days until we get to see you all again next year!

Lloyd and Sunni

 This summer has been a blast around our house. From enjoying the summer heat, 4th of July celebrations, the family reunion, and moving to Pocatello, we have been keeping more than busy!
Sunni has been doing as much photography as possible and absolutely loving it, and she has lots of you to thank for letting her practice on this summer! Lloyd is now going back to school online and working for Dewight selling insurance. He is loving it and enjoying the change. Treyson is growing like a weed and developing so much personality... we will let the pictures speak for themselves :)
It was so great seeing you all this summer and we are counting down the days until we get to be with everyone again next year! Love you all!
-Lloyd and Sunni

 4th of July fun on Grandma's slide
Fireworks at home for the 4th
 Pool Party!
He fell back in later in the day in a regular diaper... needless to say it soaked up a LITTLE water!
  First fat lip
And what would summer be without a few meltdowns! :)